Income Support Kidu – FAQ
Who is eligible?

Individuals currently residing in Bhutan whose livelihoods continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, such as:

  • Employees who have been laid off, or placed on unpaid leave or reduced salary from businesses in tourism and tourism-dependent sectors;
  • Employees of businesses that are mandated to remain closed;
  • Individuals engaged in self-operated businesses in tourism and tourism-dependent sectors;
  • Bhutanese who were working abroad and have returned home because of loss of employment caused by COVID-19.

Applicants who do not have any other means of sustaining their livelihoods are eligible. Applicants are encouraged to actively look for jobs and other engagement programmes of the government and the private sector.

Desk and field verifications will be conducted to assess eligibility. Please click HERE for more details.

What are the information required for applying?

You will need to have the following information ready to successfully complete your application:

  1. Your CID number
  2. CID number of your spouse/partner
  3. CID number of your household members currently living with you
  4. If you are an employee, details of your employer
  5. If you are self-employed/have self-operated business, details of your business such as business license number, vehicle registration number, etc.
  6. Your Digital Kidu account number or your personal savings account number and name of the bank branch

If you do not have a personal savings account during the time of application, you are encouraged to open an account to facilitate easy transfer of the Relief Kidu.

If you do not have a personal savings bank account during the time of application, you are encouraged to open an account to facilitate easy transfer of the Relief Kidu.

How do I apply?

There are two ways to apply for the Relief Kidu.

Apply online

  1. Click HERE to Apply
  2. Start by filling up your correct Citizen Identity Card Number
  3. Fill in all required information
  4. After completing, click on the Submit button
  5. You will receive SMS notification acknowledging receipt of the application

You can also call the toll free numbers to submit an assisted application.

Paper-based application

  1. Download the application form
  2. Submit the completed application form to the Dzongkhag Administration
    • Application form for NEW APPLICANT can be downloaded HERE
    • Application form for NEW APPLICANT (Non CID) can be downloaded HERE
    • Application form for RE-­APPLICANTS (i.e. applicants who had applied earlier in any month between April 2020 and March 2021) can be downloaded HERE


How do I know if I am eligible?

You will receive SMS notification when your Kidu has been

You will also be notified via SMS if you are not eligible.

When is the deadline for application?

Eligible applicants will receive Kidu from the month of application.
Therefore, application must be submitted by the last day of the
month to be assessed for that particular month.

Who do I contact for information?

For information, call the following toll free numbers between 9AM
and 5PM, Monday to Friday:

  • 1184 if you are living/working in Phuntsholing/Chhukha
  • 1185, 1186, 1187 or 1188 for all other places
  • Or call the respective Dzongkhag Administration (Contacts page)
  • Grievances can be lodged at the following numbers: